Kette entknoten - Schritt für Schritt
From the very beginning, it was always a personal concern for him and his family to design long-lasting and trendy jewelry for everyday life. The majority of the jewelry is therefore waterproof and does not rub off even when showering.

Do you know the feeling when you pull out a beautiful necklace from your jewelry collection and find that it has turned into countless knots and tangles? Untangling a knotted necklace can be a tedious and time-consuming task.

But don't worry, in this text I will show you 3 practical tips on how you can untangle tangled necklaces without damaging them. 

Whether it's about untying knots from the chain, untangling the chain or simply untangling a knotted chain - with these tips you will be able to make your necklace shine again.

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Here's a quick summary of the most important things:

  1. Chains can tangle easily, causes are varied (e.g.b Model of the chain, handling and storage).
  2. By careful and proper storage and by storing jewelry separately, knots and tangles can easily be avoided.
  3. The 3 most practical tips for unknotting a chain are: Unknotting the chain with 2 needles, loosening the tangles with powder or treating the chain with oil.

Why do chains get knotted so easily?

Chains can get knotted very easily. The causes of tangled chains are varied and can be influenced by both the model of the chain and the use.

One reason for knots in chains can be the design itself. Chains made of fine links, such as B our Simple Dots Necklace 18K Gold Plated or thin bands are more prone to tangles than those with thick, solid links. The condition of the material can also play a role. 

Materials that are slightly statically charged, such as synthetic fibers, can cause the chain to stick to itself or other materials and thus become knotted. 

Halskette vegoldet

In addition, due to the comfort of wearing them tightly around the neck or wrist, chains can come into contact with other objects and become tangled.

Another reason that can lead to knots in chains is the handling of the chain itself. Fiddling or wrapping the chain around fingers or other objects can cause knots to form.

Also, storing the necklace in a jewelry box or transporting the necklace in a bag or bag can cause the necklace to become knotted.

To avoid knots in chains, there are some tips that can help. One option is to store the necklace carefully and carefully after wearing it to avoid tangling.

It may also be helpful to store chains separately from other jewelry or items to avoid entanglement with each other. 

Perlenkette Damen mit Anhänger

How to unknot a chain? 3 tips

It can be frustrating to untangle a tangled chain, but there are effective ways to solve this problem. In this text I will give you 3 practical tips on how you can untangle your favorite necklace without damaging it. 

Follow these simple steps and you can untangle your necklace quickly and easily. If there are very strong knots, you can also combine several of these methods together.

Unknot the chain with 2 needles

One way to untangle a tangled chain is to use two needles. This technique is very effective for untying knots without damaging the chain. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Identification of the knot:
    First, you should carefully inspect the chain and determine where the knot is located. Try to gently pull the knot apart to see if you can find the beginning of the knot.

  2. Start untangling:
    Now take two needles, preferably with a round head, and hold them parallel to each other. Place the needles between the knots and carefully guide them through the knot so that they come out on the opposite side.

  3. Loose the knot:
    Now use the two needles to carefully pull the knot apart. Start by pulling the needles in opposite directions from the center of the knot. Work slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the chain.

  4. Untie the knot:
    If you feel the knot coming undone, you can use the two needles to pull the knot apart and untie it completely.

  5. Use oil:
    If the knot is stubborn, you can apply some baby oil to the chain to make untangling easier. Gently massage the oil into the chain and repeat steps 2 to 4.

    But be careful: The use of oil is not recommended for 925 silver chains, for example!

  6. Cleaning:
    As soon as you have successfully untied the knot, you should clean and care for the necklace thoroughly. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe the chain and store it carefully to avoid future tangles.

This technique is particularly effective for chains with small links or fine decorations.

However, if you have a chain with larger links or coarser embellishments, it may be more difficult to thread the needles through the knot. In this case, you should try one of the other techniques to untangle the chain.

Vergoldete Halskette entknoten

Detangle the chain with baking powder

Baking powder is particularly good for untangling chains. The powder is not fine enough and can damage the material of your chain in the long term.

But a fine powder can help untangle tangled chains and return them to a condition where they are easy to handle. In this article, we will discuss how to untangle a chain using powder.

1.First of all you have to choose the right powder. Some of the best options are 

  • Talcum powder, 
  • Baby powder 
  • or even corn starch. 

These products are available in most drugstores and supermarkets and are usually very inexpensive. Simply choose an option and get enough to completely cover your necklace.

2. The next step is to place the tangled chain on a flat, clean surface. Sprinkle the powder onto the chain, making sure it covers any areas that are tangled.

Then you can carefully rub the powder in with your fingers to ensure that it is well incorporated into the chain.

3. Now let the powder rest on the chain for a few minutes. The powder will help the chain become more slippery and easier to untangle.

After a few minutes, you can start to gently move and twist the chain to see if anything has come loose.

4. If the chain is still tangled, simply add more powder and repeat the process. You may need to apply powder and move the chain several times until it is completely untangled.

5. Once you have successfully unraveled the necklace, you should thoroughly wash it with warm water and soap to remove the powder.

6. Then dry the chain carefully .

Untie the knot from the necklace with oil

One of the most effective ways to untie a knot from your necklace is to use oil. Here are the steps you can follow to untangle your tangled chain in this way:

Step 1: Preparation

Kette entknoten: Schritt 1

First you should make sure you have everything you need. Get some oil, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, or baby oil.

Also have a clean cloth or napkin ready to blot any excess oil.

Step 2: Apply oil

Kette entknoten: Schritt 2

Take a few drops of oil and gently apply it to the knots and tangled areas. Do not use too much oil as this can damage or discolor the chain.

Step 3: Allow the oil to take effect

Kette entknoten: Schritt 3

Let the oil sit for a few minutes to penetrate the tangled areas and loosen the knot.

Step 4: Unknot the chain

Kette entknoten: Schritt 4

Once the oil has absorbed, you can try to untie the knot. To do this, take a small pin or needle and carefully pull the chain links apart.

Work slowly and carefully so as not to damage the chain.

Step 5: Repeat process

Schritt 5: Kette entknoten

If the knot doesn't come out completely, you can repeat the process and apply a little more oil.

Step 6: Clean the chain

Schritt 6: Kette entknoten

Once you have completely untied the knot, you should gently dab the chain with a clean cloth or napkin to remove the excess oil.

It is important to note that some types of chains are more sensitive to oil react than others. So before you apply oil, you should make sure that it is suitable for your chain. For silver the use of oil is not recommended. We have summarized everything you need to know in our guide Cleaning a necklace

Pro tip: If you're unsure, you can first try a small amount of oil on an inconspicuous area to make sure it doesn't cause discoloration or damage.

Chains get tangled when wearing: What can I do about it?

Chains can tangle easily when worn, especially if worn for a long time or if they come into contact with other jewelry. Not only can this be annoying, but it can also cause damage to the chain. 

But don't worry, there are some simple tips and tricks you can use to prevent your chain from getting tangled.

  • Avoid wearing multiple necklaces at the same time: If you wear multiple necklaces on top of each other, they can easily become tangled and knotted. To avoid this, choose one necklace per day and wear it as the only piece of jewelry.

    If you want to wear multiple necklaces, you should make sure that they are of different lengths and do not come into contact with each other.
  • Wear the necklace on bare skin: If you wear the necklace directly on bare skin, you will prevent it from getting caught on clothing or other jewelry and becoming tangled.

    Wear the necklace directly on your neck or over your clothing to prevent it from becoming tangled.
  • Do not wear the chain while exercising or sleeping: When you are exercising or sleeping, the chain can easily become tangled or knotted due to unconscious movements.

    It is therefore better to take off the chain while exercising or sleeping.

Armbänder entknoten

How can I store chains without them tangling?

One way to store chains without them getting tangled is to store them separately. Store each necklace individually in a Jewelry Box or a Jewelry Bag. This prevents the chains from rubbing against each other and becoming knotted.

Another option is to use special jewelry storage systems, such as jewelry boxes, which are designed specifically for necklaces.

These systems consist of hooks or slots in which you can hang each chain separately. These storage systems are a great way to ensure your necklaces are stored neatly and don't get tangled.

It can also be very effective to store the chains flat instead of hanging them. Simply lay the necklace flat in a drawer or on a flat jewelry stand. Storing it flat will prevent the chain from becoming tangled and knotted.

If you want to take your necklaces with you when traveling, it can be helpful to store them in a jewelry roll bag. These roll bags are made of soft material and have special compartments for each chain.

If you store your necklaces in a jewelry roll bag, you can be sure that they won't get tangled during transport.

To prevent your chains from tangling, you should also clean them carefully before storing them. Use a soft cloth and mild detergent to remove any dirt or oil from the chain. A clean chain is less susceptible to


A tangled chain can be frustrating, but there are several ways to solve the problem.

One of the simplest tricks is to gently drizzle the chain with a few drops of oil to make it smoother and make it easier to untangle. Another tip is to use a pin to carefully untie the knots.

It is also important to prevent knots and to transport and store the chains safely to avoid entanglements and damage. A special jewelry box or jewelry bag with compartments and pockets is ideal for keeping each piece of jewelry separate and protected.

Storing your jewelry in small plastic bags or velvet bags is also a good option if you don't have special jewelry storage at hand.

All in all, it is important to be careful and patient when untangling chains and ensuring they are stored and transported safely. With a few simple tricks and a little practice, untangling chains can be done quickly and easily.

Schmuckkasten für Halsketten zum Aufbewahren


Can I have my necklace unknotted by a jeweler?

Yes, it is entirely possible that a jeweler can untangle your tangled chain. Many jewelers offer jewelry repair and cleaning services, including untangling tangled chains.

The cost of this service varies by location and store and depends on the difficulty of untangling. 

What is the best way to transport chains?

To transport necklaces safely and prevent them from tangling or becoming damaged, it is best to store them in a special jewelry box or a travel jewelry box. These are usually equipped with compartments or pockets to keep each piece of jewelry separate and avoid scratches or tangles. 

If you don't have special jewelry storage at hand, you can also place the necklaces individually in small plastic bags or velvet bags and then store them in a larger bag. Make sure you don't pack the chains too tightly and that they aren't packed with other items in the same container.

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